Windows Are the Eyes of Your Home: A Guide on How to Dress Them


Windows are often described as the eyes of a home, offering a glimpse into its character and personality. Just as eyes are an essential feature of a person's face, windows play a crucial role in the overall aesthetics of a living space. As an interior designer, I believe that dressing windows thoughtfully is an art that can elevate any room. In this comprehensive guide, I'll share insights and tips on how to dress your windows to enhance your home's appeal and ambiance.


1. Understand Your Space and Needs

Before diving into window treatments, it's essential to understand your space and its unique requirements. Consider factors such as the room's purpose, the amount of natural light you want, desired privacy levels, and the existing decor style. This understanding will guide you in choosing the most suitable window dressings.

2. Selecting the Right Window Treatments:

a. Curtains and Drapes

•    Fabric Choice: Opt for lightweight fabrics like linen or sheer for an airy and light feel, or heavier fabrics like velvet for a luxurious look.

•    Length and Fullness: Curtains that extend beyond the window frame can create an illusion of larger windows and add elegance.

•    Color and Patterns: Choose colours and patterns that complement or contrast with your room's colour scheme and style.

b. Blinds, Shades and Shutters

•    Material: Consider factors such as light-filtering, blackout, or sheer options based on your privacy and light control needs.

•    Style: Horizontal blinds offer a modern look, while Roman shades provide a soft and elegant appearance.


3. Playing with Layers:

Layering window treatments can add depth and visual interest. Combine blinds or shades with curtains to provide both functionality and style. This combination allows for better control over light and privacy while adding a luxurious touch to your windows.

4. Hardware and Accessories:

Choose curtain rods, finials, tiebacks, and other hardware that complement your chosen window treatments. The right hardware can accentuate the style and enhance the overall look of your windows.

5. Maximize Natural Light:

Letting natural light into your home is key to creating an inviting and lively atmosphere. Consider using sheer curtains, translucent blinds, or even leaving windows bare to maximize the entry of sunlight.


6. Maintaining a Cohesive Look:

Ensure a cohesive look throughout your home by using similar window treatments in spaces that are visible from one another. This creates a sense of harmony and unity in your interior design.


7. Professional Assistance:

If you find the process overwhelming or want a professional touch, consulting with an interior designer can be incredibly beneficial. They can help you select the perfect window treatments that align with your style and needs.

Remember, window dressings are not just functional; they're an opportunity to showcase your creativity and style. Treat your windows as a canvas and let them reflect the personality of your home.

By carefully choosing and styling your window treatments, you'll add a beautiful finishing touch that enhances the aesthetic appeal of your living spaces.

For more personalised guidance or assistance with dressing your windows, feel free to contact our studio to schedule a consultation.

Angelique x


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Images credits: Hazel Redmond Photography


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