Design Inspirations: Angelique Armstrong's Top 5 Influences

A Glimpse into the Creative World of a Visionary Designer

In the world of design, inspiration is everywhere. From the elegant lines of architecture to the vibrant colours of nature, it's the subtle nuances and bold statements that truly shape a designer's creative process. In this blog post, I'm thrilled to share my top 5 design influences and how they have left an indelible mark on my work. Join me on this journey as I explore the sources of my inspiration and the profound impact they've had on my design projects.

Armstrong Interiors Christchurch Interior Design Agency
  1. Nature’s Timeless Beauty:

Nature, with its organic shapes, soothing palettes, and ever-changing patterns, is a constant muse for my work. The delicate intricacies of a flower petal, the rich hues of a sunset, and the rugged texture of tree bark all find their way into my designs. The harmony and balance in the natural world serve as a reminder to incorporate those elements into our interior spaces.


2. Architectural Marvels:

The structural brilliance of iconic buildings and architectural wonders has always fascinated me. The clean lines of modern architecture, the ornate detailing of historic landmarks, and the innovative use of materials by architects inspire my designs to harmonise form and function.

3. Cultural Richness:

Culture is a treasure trove of inspiration. The colors, patterns, and symbols embedded in various cultures around the world have a profound impact on my design choices. The vibrancy of a Moroccan marketplace, the serenity of a Japanese garden, or the opulence of Indian palaces all offer unique perspectives that I draw upon in my work.


4. Client Stories and Personal Experiences:

Last but certainly not least, the stories and experiences of my clients profoundly influence my design approach. Understanding their lifestyle, tastes, aspirations, and the story they want their space to tell allows me to craft a design that resonates with their essence. Each client collaboration is a unique journey, and their narrative becomes an integral part of the design process.

5. Artistic Expressions:

The world of art, in all its forms, fuels my creativity. Paintings, sculptures, and contemporary art movements challenge my perspective and push the boundaries of design. The brushstrokes of a painting, the geometry of abstract art, and the emotional depth of a sculpture all encourage me to think creatively and bring art into living spaces.


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Images credits: Hazel Redmond, Pinterest


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